Saturday, June 27, 2009


Ok.....another short post.

So, Sugar Mill, O-Magine HomeWorks, and MudHoney have teamed up and cut everything on the O-Magine HomeWorks Sim to half price! So that means all of the poses from Sugar Mill on the sim are marked half off, all of the O-Magine homes are marked to half off AND all of the funiture sets from MudHoney are half off! But you better hurry because it's ONLY for this weekend!

I went around, since RFL sucked me dry, and took some pictures of a few things on sale. Some of my favourite things I came across.This house is one that I came across first. The rooms are big, the textures are beautiful and the layout is awesome, I love it and it's only 625L!!!

I went around and looked at some of the furniture from MudHoney but this set sort of stuck out at me. I'm very big on retro, well retro anything, so I thought this was perfect to blog. Love it and it's a steal at 620L for the entire set!

I walked around some more and came across one of my favourite builds on the entire sim! I love this build, it's perfect for beach hangouts and such and it's only 250L!!

As I walked in I immediately noticed this L couch. I absolutely LOVE L shaped couches!!! I love the textures, I love the colours, I just love the set aaaand it's only a portion of the entire set! The set consists of everything in that particular building and the ENTIRE furniture set is only 770L!!
As you walk around the sim you will notice Sugar Mill has posters of some poses that are for sale on the sim, the two that I show you are only 88L and soooo adorable! I got my SL sister, Lyanis Sin who own Lya Shoes, to pose with me! She's so adorable.

This first pose is called "To the Curb!"

Aaaand this second set is called "Dorkin' It!"

As I said, the sale is only this weekend so get down there and buy all the pretty things!

Home and Building: O-Magine HomeWorks
Furniture: MudHoney
Poses: Sugar Mill

1 comment:

  1. drat I arrived to the sale too late T_T
    but the homes you show are absolutely gorgeous!! Please Andel make more posts like this :D
